Thursday, October 31, 2024

Genre Research Blog Activity



Horror is one of the most appealing genre to it's audience as it gets them in a scared state and shocked. Horror has been around for over 100 years and are one of the most popular nowadays, the target audience for horror films are young adults and teenagers ranging from around 15 - 25. Horror films often dive into real world fears to really dig deep into someone's feelings and to portray that sense of horror.

Genre Conventions

A horror film often has a dark, gloomy, mysterious connotation and tone to create a more depressed atmosphere. The characters in the film have a lot of close family and friends because it plays more towards the emotional aspect and really digs deep into a persons sentiment when something happens to a character that you get to know and love. The most common type of lighting in horror films is low lighting with a lot of dark colors, and props include weapons, blood, masks, etc. When it comes to shots in a horror movie, a lot of close up shots are used to be able to dig deep into there emotions, as well as wide shots to show that someone is isolated.When horror movies are typically marketed there is usually multiple thumbnails. For example let's say you are really into romantic horror movies you might get a thumbnail with a more loving aspect compared to someone who has interest in gorey movies who might get a more bloody thumbnails, this is one way to get more viewers.

Film Examples

One example of a horror film is "The Babysitter" witch is about a satanic babysitter doing a human sacrifice on a guest she had while throwing a get together with friends while babysitting a boy. This movie utilizes a lot of these aspects such as being close with the babysitter, this makes the boy watching her kill a man so much more impactful. This plus the fogginess outside and the dark colors and constant wide shots and close up shots make this and impactful film. This film em

Another example of a film is Dexter, which is about a man that works as a blood spatter analyst for Miami Metro Homicide by day, but by night he kills people who have done wrong and "escaped" the justice system. This film is extremely well since by day there are a lot of bright colors and happy emotions, but by night it is dark and cold. This makes each kill that much more impactful. Not only this but the characters that you get to know and love slowly closing in on him makes this film that much more impactful. This film embodies horror because of the amount of emotions and connections you feel
and make through out this entire film.

List of Other Films Within Horror

- Jaws (1975)

- Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1999)

- Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

- The Exorcist (1973)

- Conjuring (2013)

- It (2017)


Friday, October 18, 2024



    Dexter provides an exciting exploration of the mind of Dexter Morgan, a forensic blood spatter analyst who also is a serial killer who hunts down wrongdoers. The program uses its complex cast of people to examine issues of justice, morality, and identity. This research will look at how issues of dualism, identity conflict, and societal expectations are portrayed by Dexter and his sister, Debra Morgan. Their opposing moral paths can be seen in their character arcs, which together tell an engaging story about navigating ethically questionable territory.

Dexter Morgan's Normal life and "Dark Passenger"

    Dexter, a dual character, is at the center of the program. During the day, Dexter is a polite blood spatter analyst employed by the Miami Metro Police Department; yet, at night, he gives in to his "Dark Passenger"—the want to murder and see blood. In order to cope with the internal struggle between what one wants and the demands of society at large, Dexter digs into how people deal with desires that are socially unacceptable. Justice-related ethical concerns are brought up by the application of a moral code to defend his murders—only killing people who "deserve" it. A recurring issue is highlighted by Dexter's inability to relate to people on a genuine level: the conflict between the need to fit in and the feeling of feeling trapped in one's true identity.

       Debra Morgan: Rethinking Identity and Loyalty

    Debra Morgan, a detective and Dexter's foster sister, presents an opposing but similar storyline. She is a living example of the struggle to live up to social expectations because she manages delicate family ties and is a woman in law enforcement. Debra's character development dives in to issues of personal development, vulnerability, and loyalty. As she starts to realize Dexter's dark secret, their connection grows more stressed and she is forced to choose between her love for him and her responsibility as a detective. Debra symbolizes the difficulty of juggling two different sets of responsibilities: professional honesty and loyalty to family. She further represents the problems that arise when moral obligations and personal relationships conflict.


Principles in Disagreeing: Dexter, Debra, and Society

    Dexter and Debra's relationship is used as an illustration for the complexity of morality and identity. The struggle that Dexter faces to keep up a front of normality while giving in to his "Dark Passenger" is a reflection of society pressure to fit in. On the other hand, Debra's attempts to preserve justice while managing personal loyalty show how challenging it is to sustain moral integrity in a society where there are many blurry spots. Is Dexter a hero or a villain, or something in between? is one of the questions the program poses to its audience, encouraging them to consider the nature of justice and whether motive may excuse actions.

Dexter challenges the audience to think about the boundaries of morality and personal identity through the complex portrayal of Debra Morgan and Dexter. These characters are expertly used by the show to look at the conflict between the roles that society gives and the darker desires that people have to conceal. Similar to Dexter, the television program compels its audience to face difficult realities regarding the essence of good, evil, and all else in between.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


     For this project we were required to tell a story without the use of any visual assistance. This meant that instead of using any shots we purely relied on sound effects and folly sounds. When approaching this we first had to find a story to present witch we chose taking a dog on a walk and it getting loose. While brainstorming we had to think of sounds that would happen in the background such as birds, cars, airplanes, etc. As for the timeline we began by making a starting point in the story, witch was inside the house, where the owner gave the dog food and water before they went on a walk. When it came to editing my partner and I decided to use premier rush, since it was the most convenient to insert our sound effects in.

    In the following project I would like to get more involved in the editing process, this project I did a lot of the finding sounds, making the timeline, etc, while my partner edited. I would as well enjoy making more folly sounds rather than just looking for sounds on YouTube.

CCR #2 Script

      In this second CCR we will be answering the following question: "  How does your product engage with audiences and how would it b...