For this project we were required to tell a story without the use of any visual assistance. This meant that instead of using any shots we purely relied on sound effects and folly sounds. When approaching this we first had to find a story to present witch we chose taking a dog on a walk and it getting loose. While brainstorming we had to think of sounds that would happen in the background such as birds, cars, airplanes, etc. As for the timeline we began by making a starting point in the story, witch was inside the house, where the owner gave the dog food and water before they went on a walk. When it came to editing my partner and I decided to use premier rush, since it was the most convenient to insert our sound effects in.
In the following project I would like to get more involved in the editing process, this project I did a lot of the finding sounds, making the timeline, etc, while my partner edited. I would as well enjoy making more folly sounds rather than just looking for sounds on YouTube.
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