Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Music Marketing #2

     There is so much more to music than the just the actual sound. For this research assignment we dove into music companies and we got to pick one artist to research (specific music genres were assigned to us). My group chose 2 companies and 2 artists to research from each company the first company Universal Music Group which the artists chosen were P Diddy and Drake, and then the other company we chose was Sony Music Entertainment in which the chose artists were Calvin Harris and Usher.

    We began by diving into the artist history and their background (ex: when they began making music, first big deals made, etc). Then we had to identify their brand and their target audience. After that we had to find out how these artists marketed their products and distributed their music both through digital and non-digital methods (ex: hosting tours/concerts, selling vinyl's, streaming services to be able to listen to their music, etc).

    Now we have begun to work on new project which is to make a music video for a new band with a song given to us. We have begun preparing for this project by first scheduling out how we are gonna produce this music video. Then we created a story board to map out how the music video is gonna look. Once that had been completed we will shoot all the shots we need and start to mash them together and put the music over it as well as lip-syncing our main band member.

    During filming we ran into many challenges such as coming up with shots that were fun so that we didn't have to use so many video clips that weren't ours. This as well as finding all the instruments were a challenge sense none of us actually owned any musical equipment. Once we finished filming I began the editing process while the others worked on the power point. While editing, being able to synchronize the bowel movements to the lyrics was something I had to over come and find ways to get past since even though we had the right rhythm it wasn't exactly a perfect match. As for the power point learning to be able to create and image and sell that image is a difficult thing to do because now that that is your image, its gonna be what you are known for so your music video has to have that aspect and as well as what ever you are selling. This music video was both a challenge and something to learn from.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Music Marketing #1

    There is so much more to music than the just the actual sound. For this research assignment we dove into music companies and we got to pick one artist to research (specific music genres were assigned to us). My group chose 2 companies and 2 artists to research from each company the first company Universal Music Group which the artists chosen were P Diddy and Drake, and then the other company we chose was Sony Music Entertainment in which the chose artists were Calvin Harris and Usher.

    We began by diving into the artist history and their background (ex: when they began making music, first big deals made, etc). Then we had to identify their brand and their target audience. After that we had to find out how these artists marketed their products and distributed their music both through digital and non-digital methods (ex: hosting tours/concerts, selling vinyl's, streaming services to be able to listen to their music, etc).

    Now we have begun to work on new project which is to make a music video for a new band with a song given to us. We have begun preparing for this project by first scheduling out how we are gonna produce this music video. Then we created a story board to map out how the music video is gonna look. Once that had been completed we will shoot all the shots we need and start to mash them together and put the music over it as well as lip-syncing our main band member.

CCR #2 Script

      In this second CCR we will be answering the following question: "  How does your product engage with audiences and how would it b...