Thursday, January 30, 2025

Research/Analyze/Discuss Three Film Openings From Chosen Genre


It has a very unique story, it is about a clown who turns into peoples worst fear. The only way people don't see the clown (Pennywise) is by not being afraid of him. The way the story works is using a common fear clowns and building around it by using other common fears. The opening is very eerie and dark as it is raining and a little boys paper boat goes down the sewer in which Pennywise is in. The way Pennywise is shown adds an extra sense of horror since we can only see part of his face and the sewer is pitch black. HE is also using the child innocence to try and pull him into the sewer.


The jaws opening is similar to it except that it doesn't start off on such a gloomy setting. IT began with having fun at the beach with a group of friends to sneaking off with a girl to go for a swim. The women got in to the water way before the guy did and was attacked by who knows what which was lying under the water. This is similar because a character gets attacked and you know that there is something going on that involves an antagonist.

The Exorcist (1973)

This film opening takes a different approach then Jaws and It. It focuses more on plot building and setting rather than introducing a problem like a kid getting dragged into the sewer by a clown or a women getting pulled under water at night.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Research on genres

Definition of Horror: a type of literature, film, or television that aims to scare, shock, or disturb audiences
    Horror films often explore the topics of murder, demons/ghosts, or other things people are scared of like for example clowns. There are also many types of horrors such as rural horror and suspense horror. Rural horror is about things like urban legends and superstitions such as things like the Jersey Devil or Bigfoot. This specific type of horror taps into kids specific fears to scare them like Jaws uses people fear of sharks to scare them. There are a lot of things that are specifically repeated in horror movies such as using songs to add tension or create mystery. Last the movie poster are often dark and portray something about the movie like murder or a ghost.

Conjuring Creepy Music

Comedy Film: a film genre that emphasizes humor These films are designed to amuse audiences and make them laugh. Films in this genre typically have a happy ending, with dark comedy being an exception to this rule
    The reason we ruled out comedy is because of how complicated it would be to build a character in 2 minutes while all trying to be funny. Not only this but we also have more experience when it comes to horror genre. Not only this but comedy is mainly centered around when star/actor and our whole group wants to be in the film in one way or another.

CCR #2 Script

      In this second CCR we will be answering the following question: "  How does your product engage with audiences and how would it b...