Monday, September 30, 2024


The one word film was an assignment that required us to tell a story with a partner with 0 dialogue, sound effects, or music with lyrics.

 Me and my partner were assigned the word pessimistic witch means expecting the worst to happen. At first we found it difficult only having basic ideas with no idea how to represent them or portray them. Then we finally got our first solid idea witch was a guy expecting to fail a test and he walks out in the middle of it and tries to relax in the bathroom, but we were unable to film inside the restroom. As a result we had to use alternative methods to recreate the same plot and key points but represent them different.     


Brainstorming overall was a really big learning opportunity since it was our first film project you can really see the importance when piecing together your story giving it life. Editing wise since this project was the most rigorous in the editing aspect I used iMovie. In the future I wish to portray my ideas in a more clear manner so that the audience understands what is happening. As well as improve a lot since I felt that now that I have completed this film that certain techniques I used shouldn't have been incorporated. I also feel that my time management was poor and I had to shorten a lot of clips or slightly speed them up so that I wouldn't go over the limit. 

    Overall I feel like I had an ok project and that it wasn't anything special. My project in my opinion felt very bland I'm unsure if it's because of the sound element missing or for other reasons. This project was a big learning experience for me since I have never taken a film class or anything in relation. Now that we are getting taught more crucial elements to add to a film such as sound. I hope that this feeling of blandness and basic I had on this assignment is erased.

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