color scheme and there being a lot of green and
brown as well as there being dim lighting.
Our main character will be attire will be business casual as he will have just gotten off of work and go for a drink. Him wearing this style of clothing aids one of our ideas about a doll hanging from a tree by his tie in which had left behind. We came up with this because a lot of people fear dolls. Furthermore the doll we bought is already "scary" but we decided make it a bit scarier by making it really dirty, adding blood, and taking out one of the eyes.
Our main character wakes up in the middle of the forest after having a lot of drinks. Therefore, he might be a little more pale and have really dark and big eye bags which we will give to him through makeup. The issue with this is that our whole group is guys and none of us have any experience with anything to do with makeup. For this reason we will have a mutual friend of ours to come in and help us set up that whole aspect of the eye bags and
making our main character more pale.
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