Its credits sequence are built up of multiple components the background, the music, and the colors. It has a depressing music which sets the mood quickly, this paired with the rain makes it feel very gloomy. The colors are all extremely dark having a lot of different colors but primarily, dark green, grey, red, and even whilst indoors it is very dimly lit. The background throughout the opening is constantly changing as the character focused on in the opening it moving around. The thing that stays consistent throughout the story is the tone and mood always being extremely depressing and sorrowful because of the constant music to make everything much more meaningful adds a lot of emotion to the credit sequence.
Unlike the opening credits of It, the opening credit for Jaws has 2 aspects to it. The first one being the begging being very tense, as we hear music that seems to become almost more aggressive as it plays longer and longer. Also we are underwater most likely looking through the eyes of a shark. The second aspect is how quickly the mood changes from a aggressive blood hungry song to an extremely relaxed scene full with kazoo music, in which there is a bunch of teenagers doing what was fun back in 1975 when the film aired. The change from a very aggressive moment to a much more relaxed easy going moment changes the mood and eases the audience whom might've quickly become tense at the begging of the music.
The Exorcist
The opening credits for The Exorcist is the quickest straight to the point. Instantly creepy as we see a couple alone at night walking along the sidewalk. Then a horrific shrill-like violin music comes on as the credits are displayed in bold bright red letters. This paired with the colors of the opening mainly being dark green and black as well as the only source of light being a street light from far away. All of these things play a very big role in the tone and mood of the film opening as they make the story instantly creepy.
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