Tuesday, March 4, 2025

CCR #1

     For my first CCR I had to answer the following question:

How does your project use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? 

This is my script on how I answered it, enjoy!

 CCR #1 

How does your project use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? 


After a lot of hard work and dedication my group and I have completed the script. Now it's time to talk about it. My group and I chose horror, and we studied many films like the conjuring,jaws,it, and scream to look at typical conventions throughout horror movies. We decided to stick to the typical conventions in horror films so that our audience could easily depict the genre of our film. We used these films as inspiration in some of our film openings, for example the dark creepiness of IT. The text, being red and big and bold, while maybe even having some blood incorporated in it. We also chose from the exorcist to have a calmer start to the opening instead of a filmlike Jaws where you have a girl get killed by a shark in the first 2 minutes of the movie. Our idea at first was to have someone killed but then we decided to not kill them, because it would give away too much of the film. So, we ended up deciding to lean towards fear. We started off with the idea of our main character being alone in a forest stuck in a loop of some sort, kind of like In the Tall Grass, but then we decided to lean towards a different fear. Dolls, love them or hate them, they have been one of the biggest and, in my opinion, creepiest aspects, of horror films. Over the last 100 years dolls have been a consistent thing that people could say about horror movies. This is because of the insane popularity of these films. A fifth of the top 25 horror movies are all about dolls, and they have made combined these 5 films alone have made around $1,078,426,404 dollars. Which makes up a seventh of the average yearly revenue off all horror movies, this is why we decided to incorporate a doll into our film.  

The way my group and I are challenging social groups is by the attire. Most of the time in horror movies, you don't see a man in a suit. Normally you will see an individual with casual attire get killed, this is because subconsciously most people can relate more to wearing casual clothing than business. This is a way that we incorporated a social group that isn't usually spotted in horror. 

Before we were ever told or began working on the project I thought I knew what a horror move was. Now that we have actually done a lot of research, case studies, and comparing and contrasting horror movies. I feel like I actually know how to describe a horror movie was. Before this project I would've most likely just said a dark movie that scares people. But now I am able to refer to specific conventions and how they effect people. Not only this but I've also learnt that less is more. Before I would've made a horror movie where a lot if happening such as someone killing a lot of people and you see this happen. But now I've learnt that keeping up the aspect of mystery is also part of the horror because it keeps the audience engaged. 



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CCR #2 Script

      In this second CCR we will be answering the following question: "  How does your product engage with audiences and how would it b...