In this third CCR we had to answer the following question:
How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
Then I used these tips and tricks to write my script:
-Reflect on your progress throughout the production
-Discuss how you begin with research and planning, and offer specific details about both of these processes
-Discuss your approach to production. What did you have to change or adapt as you worked on the project?
- End with a reflection on where you started and where you ended. You may also discuss previous projects completed in class and how they helped you to develop you portfolio project
Once I knew what to do I began writing my script:
Throughout this production we have made much progress in all aspects acting, editing, and filming. When we first began this project I would've made a film with a lot of transitions and sounds that were obviously fake, or filmed with the same shot over and over and over again. The worst part is the acting, even though I did very very very little acting, I would mess up a lot like for example when I had to speak my voice wouldn't match the scene. So I would sound super jolly and happy in a scene that required some seriousness. Now I've learned to analyze the scene and find out the mood and the tone and try to keep it that way, unless instructed other wise by director. I've also learned a lot about filming and genuinely enjoyed creating it. I loved the aspect of directing a lot of the scenes and helping out the cameraman get the perfect shot. Finally, thank god I learned to stop using transitions cause it was insanely off putting and made the film instantly look bad.When we first began I looked at a variety of films, The Exorcist, Jaws, In the Tall Grass, Anabelle, IT, and Scream. The reason is I choose movies with insanely diverse types of horror (what I mean by it there not all the same copy paste horror movies they have different horror's for example Jaws is about sharks, Anabelle is about a killer doll). When we first began planning we were nowhere near the idea you see today. We had an idea of a looping forest, kind of like the the tall grass in the film In the Tall Grass. But we scratched that and decided that we wanted to have a side character get killed off in the beginning. Then we were instructed to avoid this so we did, then we finally came up with the idea that we currently have of having a doll appear. As for our research we had did various case studies on films that were similar to our film such as In the Tall Grass and Anaconda. The reason I chose to study these films is because the hardest part of our film is the setting and these 2 films have really similar back grounds to ours.
One of our biggest issues was gonna be finding somewhere to film the bar scene. Since none of us are of age, we cant enter a bar and film there when closing. Thankfully Maxi has an area of his house that looks like an old timey bar, so we decided to film there. Then we went to go film behind regional park. But the area we chose barely had any trees. So we had to walk about a mile to where we a saw a denser area of forest. We also had to change a whole aspect of our film opening because we didn't find a filming location we felt really embodied our ideas so we completed changed it and came up with the idea of the guy walking on the street at night about 10 minutes before we actually filmed it.
Throughout this class we have done a couple projects and let me be honest, they all came out pretty horrible, but I learned from them. Although in the moment it seemed like my ideas were stupendous they weren't really anything special and were kind of horrendous if I had to describe them in one word, but I learnt from them. Learning about all the things that go into any films or video had made me deeply appreciate this form of art more, and honestly I deeply enjoyed this project because it gave me a sense of being a part of something bigger. I feel like I actually can appreciate a film for the actual aspects of it like the mis-en-scene, shots, and other techniques, and not just enjoy a movie because of the content.
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