Sunday, March 9, 2025

Editing #2

    When Arthur first edited he was really basic using a lot of the transitions that were given to him like the fade in and fade out. But after doing some research together about editing, because editing is an ability I want to have in the future, we were able to all get on the right path. During class we decided to name our film lullaby because of the doll and being able to add creepy doll music into the opening. We also decided on the font of the opening credits and the color, red, because it is a common horror movie convention that we wanted to have in our film.


    We also at first wanted to edit the darker shots to make them brighter. Although this idea wasn't bad the quality of our opening dropped and we decided to go back and reshoot everything that happened outside. While outside there were a lot of noises so Arthur ended up silencing a lot of the or removing the sound of them entirely, I have no clue how he has become and editing genius. During the future editing process I wasn't to stay involved because videos have always been a part of my life and I really want to learn how to edit. 

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