Friday, February 28, 2025

Production post 1

     While filming in the bar we went through a lot of various shots. Some of them ended up coming out really good, but we want it to be perfect. The thing about the shots is that some of them were way to dark, even though that was the point of having dim lights, it cam out way to dark having shots like the one below. 


 Another thing we found difficult is having to hold the camera. No one can hold the camera except Arthur because its his dads and its expensive, so he dosent want to risk breaking it. The issues we had with him where when he was filming he would shake a little too much and would kind of throw off the scene. Not only that but he also had some rough ideas that were not the greatest so we had to as a group turn him down a lot because the vision me and maxi had was different then Arthurs. This threw off the groups chemistry a bit and made our filming look a little more choppy than we hoped. We hope by the next filming date we have more united ideas and our discussions will help us reach our final product. 

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