Saturday, February 22, 2025


    While filming our opening there is obviously gonna be noise that we can’t control. We will attempt to try these noises to a limit so that we don’t have to refill. When it comes to the sounds we want, we want a lot of like cars and like people walking and talking in the scene where the bar is. This is because we want there to be a lot of people around in the bar. This will be because it will raise the question, how did he end up in the middle of nowhere and how did no one notice? Then once he is in the forest we want to isolate the noises he makes. This would help the audience feel his fear. We also want this so that the audience knows that he is truly alone, because if there is other sounds around him, other than like birds or like squirrels, then it would people. The whole point of the forest is to be alone and gloomy, and having other people being heard would ruin this. We plan on using foley to make footsteps around him

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