Sunday, February 23, 2025

Story Board

    Our storyboard is used to plan our scenes. It also gives us an idea of what we are gonna do in each scene, how many scenes are we doing, and the camera shots we are doing.

    In this first half of the story board it is about how our main character is at the bar. In this we talk about the camera shots we want to use. We also set up for how we are going to transition in to the scene for the forest.
    The drawings we use are not super specific but they paint the picture for what we are going to do. This helps us complete the final vision of our project.
    The second half of the story board we use it to portray what is going to happen inside the forest. We use basic stick figures to show our main characters body movement.     

    The one thing I regret about this story board is not showing that much facial expressions. I wish we used more faces to show the main characters emotions rather than writing out what he is feeling under the box. Overall I think that the story board will really benefit us by helping us be able to speed up the filming process. It will also help the editor quickly be able to organize themselves by quickly identifying which scenes to put in what order.

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